Lily Stewart

Lily Stewart

What is your name and where are you currently? 

My name is Lily and I’m currently at home in LA.


Are you where you normally live?

I normally spend most of my time in NYC but LA is my hometown


What are you currently reading?

Currently reading Orange Sunshine which is a book about the Brotherhood of Eternal Love and their epic drug empire.


What are you currently watching?

I’m watching Duck Dynasty from the beginning :)


What are you currently listening to?

Lots of Skrillex and Krishna Das!


What have you been eating the most? Do you have a recipe to share?

Very simple bowls with rice or sweet potato, chicken or salmon, and lots of veggies.


How are you moving your body/exercising?

Fluctuating between extreme Tracy Anderson cardio and not moving my body for a concerning amount of time.



If you’re buying anything, what is it?

Right now I’m saving my pennies for Uncle Sam


What’s one new thing you started doing big or small since this all happened? (Like a new skill/a hobby or even habit)

Ive been painting and drawing a lot, catching non-venomous snakes with my brother and definitely having a few more existential crises than usual!


Tell me about your evening routine! And your morning one too!

My evenings are a blur of food, zoning out, skin routines and movies. My mornings consist of coffee, skin routine and reading.


What’s one way big or small that you’ve been helping others?

I’ve been ordering food from my favorite small restaurants.


Do you know of any good charities or causes people could donate to?


What keeps you sane?

Anthony Hopkins Instagram. What a gem.


What one thing can’t you wait to do?

See my friends and give them big hugs!


Who has been the most interesting/unexpected person you’ve spoken with since this started?

I’ve been having random dreams about people I haven’t seen or thought about in 15 years.


What’s one thing you’re grateful for?

I’m grateful to be with my family, I’m grateful for my health, and I’m grateful to have the ability to stay in constant contact with the people I love but can’t see right now (more than one I know!).

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