Demetra Mazria

Demetra Mazria

What is your name and where are you currently?  

Demetra Mazria

South Pasadena (LA)


What are you currently reading?

I just finished "Circe" (a modern interpretation of Greek mythological outcast witch nymph) and am currently reading "The case against reality" (a non-fiction mind-bender about consciousness and perception).


What are you currently watching?

Ozark, Westworld, Tiger King and now Waco.


What are you currently listening to?

Pod Save America, The Daily, and my Discover Weekly on Spotify.  


What have you been eating the most? Do you have a recipe to share?

I've been eating a ton of fish, meat, and fresh veggies. I think everyone should take a stab at lamb tagine (hyperlink:, it's involved but incredible. I just recieved a sourdough starter as well.


How are you moving your body/exercising?

Yoga, kettlebell workouts, and ceramics. There are two amazing ladies on YouTube that provide free yoga videos - Leslie Fightmaster and Yoga with Adrienne.



If you’re buying anything, what is it?

A drone, an ergonomic pillow, and essential oils.


What’s one new thing you started doing big or small since this all happened?

Flying a drone and riding my motorcycle more because less people are on the road.


Tell me about your evening routine! And your morning one too!

Afternoon cocktails, skippo and words with friends, research, reading, edibles. In the morning I love making coffee and taking my new(ish) cat into the yard and watching him explore.


What’s one way big or small that you’ve been helping others?

Staying home! Checking in with friends on a regular basis. Sharing facts.


What keeps you sane?

Making ceramics in the studio, and not feeling rushed by "normal" life.


What one thing can’t you wait to do?

International travel. My boyfriend and I canceled a trip to New Orleans for his birthday, it was the right thing to do but so so sad to not be able to show him one of my favorite cities.


What’s one thing you’re grateful for?

A home studio, and nature-filled backyard.

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