Danielle Reuther

Danielle Reuther

What is your name and where are you currently? 

Danielle Reuther - NYC (Specifically in the Two Bridges / Chinatown zone)


Are you where you normally live?

You betcha


What are you currently reading?

Salt Fat Acid Heat, but bought the Jessica Simpson memoir for when I descend into the next layer of madness.


What are you currently watching?

I’m having a hard time sitting and watching anything (which is usually my favorite activity), but I am trying to get through the most recent season of Luther and then next up is Ozark. I am still watching Last Week Tonight each week, and I appreciate their hard work making a show in these circumstances (John Oliver is shooting it alone in his home).


What are you currently listening to?

I am an obsessive playlist maker, I make a new one every month and share on my instagram. April’s playlist (with obligatory referential songs) can be found here


What have you been eating the most? Do you have a recipe to share?

I already eat the majority of my meals at home because I have several dietary restrictions that make eating out a bit of a headache (namely I am gluten and nightshade free) so I am eating a lot of what I normally eat, a lot of roasted veggies and meat. I am experimenting with marinating my meat though since I have nothing but time! I have been trying out some new things though and here are some of my favorites:


One of my favorites has been a version of this recipe from The Roasting Tin (I change the spices to accommodate my diet, but the idea is still there): Over Roasted Sausage and Sweet Potato

This has been another favorite (I happened to stock up on gluten free bread crumbs): Parmesan Chicken

I haven’t actually made these in quarantine yet but they are an all time favorite (I usually switch out parsley for chives because I hate parsley):

Healthy Chicken Meatballs

For sweet treats I made these amazing GF chocolate chip cookies:

Glutten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

And these insanely easy (albeit messy) rice krispie treats (arguably the yummiest thing I have maybe ever made):

Caramelized Brown Butter Rice Krispies Treats


How are you moving your body/exercising?

My two go tos right now are Yoga by Adrienne videos on youtube which I’ve actually been doing for the last year or so whenever I can’t get to an in person class (would highly suggest doing one of her 30 days of yoga series right now! Well designed to do every day with good variation) and Ryan Heffington’s Instagram live dance class!



If you’re buying anything, what is it?

Honestly, I’ve been buying a lot of candles. I am weirdly afraid of running out because they make me feel comfy and safe in my home. Most recently placed an order from local NYC company Burnin’ For You (http://www.burninforyoucandleco.com/). I also bought a lighter weight robe on sale from Eberjey so that I could have a more appropriate robe option as the weather heats up, as I am finding I do most of my morning routine in a robe these days.


What’s one new thing you started doing big or small since this all happened? (Like a new skill/a hobby or even habit)

I have been meaning to have someone install more shelves in my kitchen for a while but had a hard time aligning schedules with my friend who has done most of my handy work so I called and asked what I needed and did it myself. Pretty shocked I was able to drill into tile without inadvertently demolishing my whole kitchen but it turned out great and I am super proud of myself!


Tell me about your evening routine! And your morning one too!

Routine has been super important to me, and in a lot of ways it is not so dissimilar from my normal life. I wake up every morning to my cat coming and sleeping on my neck or chest. It is so precious and my favorite moment of the day. I usually cuddle with her for a bit before she gets a little feisty and hungry. Then I let her chase my hand under the covers for a while to let out steam and feel like she’s hunting before she eats. We get up, I feed her, brush my teeth and wash my face, and make breakfast. I have one friend I check in with every day around noon which has been really grounding and nice. At 2pm and 10:30pm every day I meet with friends on Zoom. I eat, work out, and catch up with family etc in the interim moments. At the end of the night I feed my cat, wash my face, and go to sleep after that.


What’s one way big or small that you’ve been helping others?

I have spent most of my time helping people in substance abuse recovery access support in this time. I used to work in the recovery industry so I have the most tools to help in that space.


Do you know of any good charities or causes people could donate to?

It is so hard to pick and choose because there are so many great outlets to donate your time, brain, or money to right now. Dream Sequence Editions is selling amazing prints by some artist friends with half of the proceeds going to different charities helping people affected by the pandemic. I also made a donation several weeks ago to a great Italian website that has several hospitals all over the country listed and you can decide where you want to donate to. At the time, our local issues weren’t as dire, but I hope something like this comes together soon for us because it is a great resource for donating.


What keeps you sane?

My cat, very grateful to have another living thing in the apartment! I would be lost without her.


What one thing can’t you wait to do?

Give someone a hug.


Who has been the most interesting/unexpected person you’ve spoken with since this started?

I feel like one beautiful thing that has come out of this is talking to people I haven’t spoken to in ages. I have spoken to a couple of people I went to school with who I have barely spoken to since I graduated high school. I also ran into an old work colleague who I hadn’t seen in a few years at a Zoom birthday which was fun.


What’s one thing you’re grateful for?

I have a balcony in NYC which I honestly have never really used a lot but am SO grateful to be able to safely get some fresh air and a few hours of sunlight.


Anything else to share?

I have a couple things I try to do everyday to stay grounded and sane, I find that when I don’t do them, that’s when my mood is down.

Wake up at a decent hour

Put on normal clothing as if I was still going out and seeing people

Cook meals for myself and eat at regular meal times

Don’t talk to people who upset me

Only read the top headlines of the day, if even that

Do not spend the entire day sitting at my computer / phone / tv

Find some way to be of service to someone else

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