Jamila Beatrice

Jamila Beatrice

NAME Jamila Beatrice WHAT DO YOU DO? Model/Writer WHAT SHIRT DID YOU CHOOSE AND WHY? Jean Michel Basquiat. I am of Hatian/West Indian descent and am glad that the phase of giving Hatian's negative connotations is over. It's time for this (secretly) rich island to be acknowledged for its contributions to the world. WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING/ WATCHING/ LISTENING TO? I've fallen in love with the band Tame Impala and adore rock n' roll. I've been reading various religious and astrological texts. I enjoy learning like ancient scholars. WHAT WAS THE LAST GREAT MEAL YOU ATE? The last great meal I ate was at Big Arc Chicken in Lower East Side. I'm accustomed to fresh food and find this place affordable, fresh, and healthy for the sensitive tummies. Falafal, salmon steak, hummus. WHAT IS SOMETHING THAT YOU TREASURE? Love. Being from South Florida makes it hard to send out affection or receive it. I've learned to love myself and others—still the hardest lesson to learn besides patience. WHAT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL PLACE YOU HAVE EVER BEEN TO? Jacmel, Haiti...My mother's hometown. WHAT DO YOU LIKE/DISLIKE? I love love love languages I strongly detest liars. WHOSE SENSE OF STYLE DO YOU ADMIRE? I admire the style of ancient royalty from around the world. I'm more attracted to eclectic pieces more than anything... WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ON THE NEXT DEERDANA SHIRT? Dorothy Dandridge and Ava Gardner

Photo by Dana Veraldi

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